Xiamen Sinuowei Automated Science and Technology Co.,Ltd

كيف تعمل آلة تجميع المشبك التلقائي للخرطوم؟

كيف التجمع المشبك خرطوم التلقائي عمل الآلة ؟

مع تطور المجتمع ، نقص العمالة ، صعوبة الاحتفاظ بالعمال وارتفاع التكاليف العمل كلها تشكل أكبر التحديات للمصانع.

لإنقاذ هذه المشكلة ، اخترع فريقنا و تحسين آلة خرطوم المشبك مع قوة عظمى على مدى السنوات ال 10 الماضية و طلب للحصول على الكثير من براءات الاختراع.

العمال بحاجة فقط لوضع شبه الجاهزة المنتجات في صناديق المقابلة على فترات من 4 ساعات. لنا آلة المشبك التلقائي يمكن أن تعمل باستمرار لإنتاج المشبك خرطوم مؤهل.

عموما ، عامل يمكن أن تأخذ الرعاية من أربعة آلات في وقت واحد. كفاءة كل آلة 1000PCS / ساعة. وفقا لوقت العمل من ثماني ساعات من العمل في اليوم ، خرطوم آلة المشبك يمكن أن تنتج 2080،000 جهاز كمبيوتر شخصى في السنة مع ربع مدخلات العمل ولكن عشرات المرات من الكفاءة من قبل. حتى يمكن للعميل توفير الكثير من تكلفة العمالة واستعادة التكلفة مع نصف وسنة. كيف يفعل التلقائي خرطوم المشبك آلة التجميع عمل see يمكنك رؤية سير العمل على النحو التالي :

How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work? with the development of society,labor shortages, difficult worker retention and Rising costs for labor are all posing greatest challenges to factories. To save this problem, our team invented and improved the hose clamp machine with super powerful over the past 10 years and applied for a lot of patents. Workers only need to put semi-finished products into the corresponding bins at intervals of 4 hours. Our hose clamp machine can run continuously to produce qualified hose clamp. Generally,a worker can take care of four machines at once. The efficiency of each machine is 1000pcs/hour. According to the work time of eight hours of work a day, a hose clamp machine can produce 2,080,000pcs a year with a quarter of labor input but dozen times of efficiency than before. So client can save a lot of labor cost and get back the cost with half and a year.How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work?

How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work? with the development of society,labor shortages, difficult worker retention and Rising costs for labor are all posing greatest challenges to factories. To save this problem, our team invented and improved the hose clamp machine with super powerful over the past 10 years and applied for a lot of patents. Workers only need to put semi-finished products into the corresponding bins at intervals of 4 hours. Our hose clamp machine can run continuously to produce qualified hose clamp. Generally,a worker can take care of four machines at once. The efficiency of each machine is 1000pcs/hour. According to the work time of eight hours of work a day, a hose clamp machine can produce 2,080,000pcs a year with a quarter of labor input but dozen times of efficiency than before. So client can save a lot of labor cost and get back the cost with half and a year.How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work?

How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work? with the development of society,labor shortages, difficult worker retention and Rising costs for labor are all posing greatest challenges to factories. To save this problem, our team invented and improved the hose clamp machine with super powerful over the past 10 years and applied for a lot of patents. Workers only need to put semi-finished products into the corresponding bins at intervals of 4 hours. Our hose clamp machine can run continuously to produce qualified hose clamp. Generally,a worker can take care of four machines at once. The efficiency of each machine is 1000pcs/hour. According to the work time of eight hours of work a day, a hose clamp machine can produce 2,080,000pcs a year with a quarter of labor input but dozen times of efficiency than before. So client can save a lot of labor cost and get back the cost with half and a year.How does the automatic hose clamp assembly machine work?

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